Its time to get Aggressive with Cache-Control.

Cache every single thing your app could ever do ahead of time, so your code never even has to run at all. Aggressively Saving money, resources, and energy.

function InitAggressiveCache(res: Response) {
const date = new Date();
date.setFullYear(date.getFullYear() + 1);
res.setHeader("Expires", date.toUTCString());
res.setHeader("Cache-Control", "public,
max-age=31536000, immutable");


Getting started

Welcome to Aggressive Cache, your go-to solution for efficient and robust caching in your web applications.


Step-by-step guides to setting up your system and installing the library.

Architecture guide

Learn how the internals work and contribute.


Extend the library with third-party plugins or write your own.

API reference

Learn to easily customize and modify your app's visual design to fit your brand.

This guide will help you get started with installing dependencies, configuring the library, and using it effectively in your projects. We guarantee that you will be able to get Aggressive Cache set up in your project in under thirty minutes, or your money back!

Installing dependencies

To get started, you need to install the Aggressive Cache library along with its required dependencies. Run the following command in your project directory:

# choose one of the following
npm install @treckstar/aggressivecache --save-dev

yarn add @treckstar/aggressivecache --dev

pnpm add @treckstar/aggressivecache --save-dev

Pitfall! Before you continue...

Ensure you have React and ReactDOM as they are peer dependencies for Aggressive Cache.

Configuring the library

After installation, import and configure Aggressive Cache in your main React file (usually App.js or index.js):

// App.jsx
import React from 'react';
import { CacheProvider } from '@treckstar/aggressivecache';

const App = () => {
  return (
      {/* Your app components go here */}

export default App;

Basic usage

Using Aggressive Cache is straightforward. Here's a quick example of caching a component's output:

import { useCache } from '@treckstar/aggressivecache';

const MyComponent = () => {
  const { cache } = useCache();

  const data = cache.get('myDataKey') || fetchData();

  return <div>{data}</div>;

export default MyComponent;

Your first cache

To create your first cache, use the set method from the useCache hook:

cache.set('myDataKey', dataToCache);

Clearing the cache

Clearing the cache is just as easy. You can clear a specific key or the entire cache:

// Clear a specific key

// Clear all cache

Adding middleware

Aggressive Cache supports middleware for advanced caching strategies. Here's how to add one:

import { applyMiddleware } from '@treckstar/aggressivecache';


Getting help

If you need help or have any questions, visit our documentation or reach out to our support team.

Submit an issue

Found a bug or have a feature request? Submit an issue on our GitHub repository.

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